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Class 14 Notes

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 10 years, 8 months ago

Preliminary Class Business


  • Next class
    • Each student should come to class with at least one passage in the readings that they think is worth discussion or have a question about (whether the question be about the concept of "topic modeling" or its application in the examples from Matthew Jocker's book).  Look for something that sparks  your interest, makes you deeply puzzled, or that you think is particularly important for literary studies.
    • Practicum on topic modeling for next class.

1. Student Practicums -- Text Analysis (2)

(Digital Humanities Tools list)







  • Tennyson, In Memoriam



2. Reading 2,958 Nineteenth-Century British Novels



3. Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary (HTOED)




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