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Class 3 Notes

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 10 years, 9 months ago


Readings for last class
Readings for today
  • Belle Lettres": Hugh Blair, excerpt from "Taste" [PDF], Lecture II in his Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1787)
  • "Close Reading": Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, "Introduction" to Understanding Poetry (1938)
  • "Critique" vs. "Surface Reading"Stephen Best and Sharon Marcus, "Surface Reading: An Introduction" [PDF] (2009)
  • Toward "Distant Reading": N. Katherine Hayles, excerpt on "Scale Matters" [PDF] from How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis (2012)

Plato's Academy | Augustine as teacher of rhetoric

1. "Real" Reading










2. Educated Reading









3. Reading as Taught in Modern Literature Departments


  • Belle Lettres": Hugh Blair, excerpt from "Taste" [PDF], Lecture II in his Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1787)
  • "Close Reading": Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, "Introduction" to Understanding Poetry (1938)
  • "Critique" vs. "Surface Reading"Stephen Best and Sharon Marcus, "Surface Reading: An Introduction" [PDF] (2009)
  • Toward "Distant Reading": N. Katherine Hayles, excerpt on "Scale Matters" [PDF] from How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis (2012)







4. Toward "Distant Reading"




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