
Required Texts

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on December 27, 2013 at 7:46:06 pm


Required Books


Purchase the following three books at the UCEN Bookstore or elsewhere:


  • Lee T. Lemon and Marion J. Reis, ed. and trans.,
    Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays
    University of Nebraska Press, 2012
    ISBN-10: 080323998X
    ISBN-13: 978-0803239982


  • Franco Moretti.
    Graphs, Maps, Trees
    Verso, 2007
    ISBN-10: 1844671852
    ISBN-13: 978-1844671854


  • Matthew L. Jockers,
    University of Illinois Press, 2013
    ISBN-10: 0252079078
    ISBN-13: 978-0252079078


Online Readings


All other readings are online (linked from the course Schedule page).  Because so many readings are online (an increasingly prevalent trend in college courses), students will need to develop a method or workflow for themselves that optimizes their ability to study the materials.  By Class 3, therefore, students are required to demonstrate that they have the means to annotate and save copies of online materials according to one of the methods described below.  (On that date, bring to class on your laptop or other digital device at least one copy of an assigned reading that you have highlighted or otherwise annotated in some way.  If you do now own a laptop, tablet, or other digital device, then bring a printed copy of one assigned reading.)


Methods for Studying Online Materials:

While everyone has their own personal preferences and technical preferences, the following are some suggested options for handling online materials:


  1. Printing.  UCSB students have 100 pages of free printing at selected computer labs on-campus each quarter.  Computer Lab Info: https://it.ucsb.edu/services/labs/open-access-labs
  2. Annotating PDF's on a laptop or desktop computer.  Some of the online readings in the course are Adobe Acrobat "PDF" files.  An excellent way to read PDF's is to use the highlighting, commenting, bookmarking, and other annotation features in the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program (or another PDF reader program) to mark up documents as you study them, then save your annotated copy of the document locally or in a "cloud" service like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc..  The latest version of the Acrobate Reader program may be downloaded here.
  3. Annotating PDF's on a tablet computer.  If you own a tablet computer such as an iPad, download an app like Adobe Reader, iAnnotate, PDF Reader, PDF Expert, or another PDF-capable documents reader that will allow you to annotate documents as your read.  Many of these apps also synchronize with cloud storage services such as Dropbox so that you can keep your annotated documents in a central location accessible to both your tablet and your laptop or other computer.
  4. Converting Web pages into PDF's. For assigned readings that are Web pages (HTML pages), you can download extensions for your browser such as Save as PDF and Web 2 PDF that will convert most Web pages to PDF files that you can save.  (The exceptions are password-protected Web pages or some pages that for a variety of reasons do not convert well into PDF's.)  You can also use an online convert-to-PDF service like PdfCrowd.
  5. Annotating Web pages without turning them into PDF's. A variety of programs and browser plug-ins exist that allow you to highlight, draw, comment, and otherwise annotate Web sites and retain the marked-up copy of the page.  Some of these programs are described here.











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